Harsh Chem is rated among the trustworthy Suppliers of Hydrogen Gas and Industrial Chemicals. These products are sourced from reliable Vendors in the domain. Also, we offer the best products at the best rates to the clients. These products are acclaimed for quality and long shelf-life. Further, we can easily process any size of the order of these products. With dint of hard work and passion to excel, we have attained the zenith of client satisfaction.
Based at Vadodara (Gujarat), we have attained heights of success under the gifted guidance of Mr. Visubhai Thakrar & Mr. Hardik Thakrar. Further, we have framed client-friendly business policies, which enable us to earn the trust of the clients by safeguarding their interest.
About Business
We are introducing ourselves as a dealer of Chloro-Alkalies Product. Our main area of business is Saurashtra, Gujarat, Kutch, Maharashtra & Rajasthan.
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